The Golden Bough

My apologies to Sir James Frazer, because I haven't actually read The Golden Bough.

But I've read a small amount of literature on comparative mythology, watched some conspiracy theory videos (with appropriate skepticism, fear not), and read probably more Joseph Campbell than I should've.

One idea I've encountered is that the story of Jesus is a sort of astronomical allegory, reënacting an ancient solar myth featuring the life, death, and rebirth of a solar deity who warms and nurtures the crops, whose death heralds the depths of winter, and whose return signifies new life for the crops and for humanity.

So what might people believe on a planet with no axial tilt, without meaningful seasons?

What might the religions of goblins look like?

What might the religions of goblins look like if they are traditionally dominated by hobgoblins? If that domination looks more like paternalism or hegemony? Or brutal enslavement?

What might religions look like in fantasy worlds with actual deities? If believing makes a deity real, what deities form?

How might the stars be divided into constellations? Can the stars along the ecliptic form a zodiac?

I think these are interesting questions, and I'd like to try to create some interesting systems for answering them.